Youth receive hands on work experience

 “I want to work in the medical field.  I am assigned to the ICU unit during my work experience at Trinitas Regional Medical Center.  I have been able to learn a lot so far from watching and working with the nurses. 

-Hillside High School student enrolled


In the last issue of Community Impact, we announced that the expansion of YEPP’s in school youth component includes Elizabeth, Hillside and Plainfield school districts as well as partnerships with local nonprofit agencies in the Elizabeth School district and, our involvement in providing direct services to high school youth in Hillside and in Plainfield where services are needed.

All high school students participating in YEPP receive tutorial services, attend weekly youth development workshops and earn paid work experience and other services based on their interests. 


United Way staffers and associates recently conducted an orientation with 30 Elizabeth High School students (pictured above) who will be Microsoft Office certified by the end of the program.   Focus during the orientation included the overview of the program, a written reflection from students, worksite expectations and student responsibilities. In groups, students wrote what they hope to gain from the program and then shared their responses.


In March, we launched the in school youth component at the Plainfield HS where 15 students have joined the program



Hillside High School students working at Trinitas Regional Medical Center

Hillside Family Success Center has collaborated with eight area businesses to provide paid work experience for 24 Hillside High School participating students.  Each student is placed based on their interests and some of the business partnerships include the Hillside Township Police Department, the Community Food Bank of New Jersey, the Advanced Spine Surgery Center, the Hillside Public Library and Trinitas Regional Medical Center.  At Trinitas, for example, students are working with nurses and assisting them with non-medically related tasks that include transporting patients and daily activities. The earned paid work experience funded by UWGUC will end in June.


Click here to learn more about YEPP


March 2019