EFSP: The United Way of Greater Union County Success Center offers the EFSP program, which is available for all Union County residents seeking rental assistance.
FLEX: The United Way of Greater Union County Success Center offers funding for all Union County parents and guardians who have children under the age of 18 living in the home.
Visit Our Success Centers
Hillside High School - 1085 Liberty Ave, Hillside, NJ 07205
Phone: 908-409-2962
Fax: 908-409-2963
UWGUC Administration Building - 219 Central Ave, Rahway, NJ 07065
Phone: 908-353-7171
Success Center Community Impact Team
Alejandra Londono, Director of Community Impact
Sandra "Camila" Delgado, Program Coordinator
Andrea Palacios, Program Coordinator
The UWGUC Success Center Resource Closet provides the necessary tools for a successful family. Please fill out the questionnaire below, so we can best assist you during your visits. Please be aware if an appointment is missed, we cannot guarantee your items will be available.
Por favor, complete el cuestionario a continuación, para que podamos ayudarlo mejor durante su visita.
Si falta a su cita, sus artículos no estarán en espera a menos que nos lo notifique antes.