The monetary gifts from Wilf Family Foundation, Wells Fargo, and Wonder.com will help struggling local families and Hurricane Ida relief efforts
For Immediate Release April 22, 2022
ELIZABETH, N.J. - United Way of Greater Union County would like to thank these community partners for their outstanding contributions to our nonprofit's mission to improve lives and build strong communities by uniting individuals and organizations with the will, passion, expertise, and resources needed to solve problems.
- The Healthcare Foundation of New Jersey gave $70,000 towards UWGUC’s Nurse Family Partnership which helps provide healthcare resources for first-time mothers.
- The Wilf Family Foundation has given more than $50,000 to go towards UWGUC’s Hillside Family Success Center.
- UWGUC’s Family Success Centers are multi-service organizations providing critical resources and support to families and children around a continuum of care, from birth to adulthood.
- This gift from the Wilf Family Foundation will help close a $67,150 budget gap for the Hillside location. The money will go towards hiring more staff to help meet the needs of local families as well as other expenses.
- Wells Fargo gave $25,000 to also go towards the Hillside Family Success Center as well as establishing a part-time center in Linden.
- Linden and Hillside show higher rates of poverty, unemployment, and poor housing compared to the rest of Union County, which is why these centers are so essential.
- The mobile restaurant website, Wonder.com, has given $10,000 to UWGUC in regard to relief efforts following Hurricane Ida.
- “We’ve been operating in New Jersey since 2020, and when Hurricane Ida hit, a lot of our employees and customers were personally affected,” Wonder.com said in a statement. “We decided to donate all revenue from Sept. 2, 2021, to Sept. 6, 2021, back to the local communities affected by the Hurricane.”
- Hurricane Ida hit last year and was one of the most deadly and destructive Category 4 hurricanes to have ever hit the Atlantic. Ninety people were killed in several states; 30 people were killed in New Jersey.
When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, UWGUC noticed a significant pause in donations from many community partners. Our nonprofit is grateful to the Healthcare Foundation of New Jersey, the Wilf Family Foundation, Wells Fargo, and Wonder.com for their willingness to give during this difficult time.